Maryn Kate’s First Week

I am making a promise to myself and my family to update my blog at least once a week, with pictures. I will be staying home with my girls until I go back to work in August. This will be a great opportunity for me to keep everyone posted on what they are doing and how Maryn Kate is growing and changing. So…to begin I will recap the last week.

I had a scheduled induction on Wed. February 17th. It took awhile to get the IV started and I can honestly say that was one of the most painful events of the day. Labor progressed pretty slowly and I got the epidural as soon as possible. With Mattie it made me relax and really speeded up the process. I don’t remember what time I got it this time but it did help me relax. I should add that right after I got in my blood pressure dropped to 50/70 and I thought I was going to pass out. I could hear people talking to me but I could not respond. They rolled me over and gave me something and I felt better pretty quickly. I was a little scary though.

The epidural completely numbed my legs and my belly for the most part, until around 6 pm. I started feeling every contraction in its full force. They called the “good drug” dr. back in and he fixed the problem. When the dr. checked me she said I was ready to push and wanted me to do a practice push. With the practice run Maryn Kate almost fell out. She had to rush and get dressed and I tried not to laugh. That would have made her fall out! I pushed one full time and she was hear. The nurse tole me I had a “lovely pelvis” (she was from South Africa). The baby’s head was perfectly round!

Stats: 7 lb. 4 oz., 19 1/4 inches long, born at 7:54 pm. Beautiful baby girl!

The last week and a half has been great. She is a good baby. Eating great and gaining her weight back. She sleeps most of the time, but at night too. I know she will get more alert each day so I am taking it a day at a time. Mom and Dad have been here for two weeks and it was so sad to see them go. I am hoping my hormones will be a little bit more in control this time around 🙂 Matt’s parents are on there way. It is so helpful to have family around.

Mattie is an amazing “tall sister.” That is what she insists on being called. She is curious about everything and very helpful!

My precious girls!

I am so excited to see what the next weeks and months will bring our family. We are so blessed. The pregnancy had some issues but all I have to do is look at how perfect my little girl turned out to know that God was completely in control. Keep us in your prayers over the next several weeks and months. We have to get use to our new normal!

About Allison Simpson

I am a wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend, and teacher.
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2 Responses to Maryn Kate’s First Week

  1. Hi Allison!

    I am so happy for you. Your girls are beautiful! Thanks for the inspiration to blog. I have wanted to for a long time, but I didn’t know about After I saw yours, I started my own blog. I am glad that the timing worked out for you to get several months at home. Enjoy it! God bless you and your family.


    • amsimpson78 says:

      Hey! I haven’t been that great about it but I do think that this will help our parents keep up with what the girls are doing. Plus I am going to have a little more time on my hands not working for awhile. I am glad that you found me on facebook. I read that you are homeschooling your kids and I would love to talk to you about that. We have one more school year before Mattie is school age. We know we are not sending her to public school. We are looking at private Christian schools but the good ones are not close to our house. We are praying about me homeschooling for awhile. I am going to use the next few months to get as much information as I can so that I make the best decision for our kids. Hope things are good for you. Send me your blog link!

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