Quarantine and Elliot

In an effort not to complain too much I will only say that I have felt horrible since last Friday. It ended up just being a really bad sinus infection but it has kicked my tail. Antibiotics have finally kicked in and I feel much better today. Maryn Kate was 3 weeks old yesterday and we took her for her first check-up today. She now weighs 8 lb. 10 oz. and is 21 1/2 inches long. She is in the 50th percentile for weight and head, and the 75th for height. She is a growing girl! She has stayed awake a little bit more this week. Mattie and I got in the garage and got out some toys to play with MK. She follows our voices and is very aware when we are there.

Maryn Kate is 3 weeks old! Gotta love baby Uggs!

Mattie talks a lot about school and her friends. I have a little bit of guilt about pulling her out because it is what she is use to. I think right now she really misses the routine. I figure about the time she and I get into a groove it will be time for me to go back to work. The weather was beautiful at the beginning of the week but I had to stay inside because I felt so bad. For the past two days all she has talked about is Elliot the Boy coming over. She keeps telling me to call his mom so that she can show him her “baby, cat, and dog Nic.” She informed me today that his mom is named Sally. I have no idea what she is talking about. She has watched a lot of Pete’s Dragon so I don’t know if she means the dragon, Pete, or possibly a little boy that use to be in her daycare class, named Elliot. He has been gone since before Christmas and she hasn’t talked about him much before now. Who knows? All I know is that she gets really excited every time she talks about Elliot coming over.

I did rack up at consignment last weekend and have three more sales to go to. The one this weekend is when I usually find a lot. I am keeping my fingers crossed for cheap play clothes for my girls! Mom and Mrs. Simpson are coming on Sunday and will spend the week with us. We are excited about that. The timing couldn’t be more perfect because Matt is going to have to travel a lot next week so we will have some company. It could all hit the fan next week 🙂

Pictures!!!! Here are some pictures from this week. Well the first one is from last week when Michaels was here. My girls love him and he loves them!

Michael and Maryn

Nuk time!

I always loved this outfit but it was too small for Mattie. Fits Bean like a glove.

Maryn loves lounging in the sun. This outfit is not weather appropriate for outside but they are so beautiful I wanted her to wear it at lease once.

She is so long but smaller than Mattie. Some things about them look alike to me and other things are as different as night and day.

Mattie decided she likes Snow White this week so we have watched it pretty much none stop. Usually I don’t do this but it has helped since I felt so rotten. She has to get into character every now and then too. How did I end up with such a princess?

Princess attitude

Getting in to character.

About Allison Simpson

I am a wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend, and teacher.
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